
Invention Coach:

Robert Read

Public Inventor(s):

Nagham Kheir


To develop a wireless alarm device which makes loud noises and flashes lights to alert a nearby individual.


We hoped to develop the initial design for a wireless alarm device to alert nearby parties of a particular state. We developed the name of this invention team based on a Crake: a bird with a distinctive, slighly alarming cry. We changed the spelling as a joke. “Flaycrake” is an old term for a scarecrow which also aligned with our mission.

Our current physical invention consists of a solderless circuit design connecting an ESP32 Dev kit, DF player, SD card, 16 GB speaker, 5 emergency lamps, A mute button, resistors on a breadboard (solderless), and microcontroller.

Our prototype can do the following so far:

  • Connect to WiFi
  • Fetch the input value through WiFi
  • Send an emergency level to the device through WiFi
  • Illuminate a lamp corresponding to the received emergency level with a certain blinking rate
  • Play prerecorded audio output corresponding to the emergency level
  • Store the receive input in a database (save it to SD card or to a cloud based server)
  • Can connect to a LCD display depicting the input value and the emergency level
  • Has a mute button to silence the audio of the Krake device
  • Design a PCB, compliant with JLCPCB

In the furture, we hope to accomplish the following:

  • Create a soldered prototype of the device
  • Design a 3D enclosure
  • Generate gerber files and order the PCB
  • Assemble all the parts together: enclosure, PCB, and upload the program
  • Begin testing the device



Skills Needed

Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, PCB Board Design, Electromechanical Sensor Design, Firmware Skills, Mechanical Drafting Skills

Quarterly Goals


  • The Krake is an HTTP Server and receives alarm level requests by an HTTP Client Put or Get message.
  • The Krake is an HTTP Server and returns to a client browser a web page with the system alarm state.
  • The Krake has 5 bright white LEDs which indicate alarm states. State can be indicated by steady or blinking LEDs.
  • Plays five different audio levels corresponding to triggered emergency levels” To “The Krake can play WAV files which are stored at program time (manufacturing time) The size , ie duration, and number of messages is only limited by the size of an SDI card.
  • The Krake Liquid Crystal can display four rows of up to 20 character to further explain an alarm state.
  • Includes a mute button.
  • The Krake in nromal use connects as a Station to a WiFi Access Point. For set up, a user interface is provided to set (Manage) WiFi credentials by the user of a smart device and the Krake provides a WiFi Access Point WiFi.

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