
Our Sincere Thanks to the Unpaid Volunteers of Public Invention

Public Invention normally does not pay Inventors or Invention Coaches for their intellectual work. (On occasion we pay inventors for manual labor, such as soldering boards together or fabricating parts, as we would if we ordered those services from non-volunteers.) Recognition of their valuable time and intellectual effort is therefore of the utmost importance. Our volunteers give of the best of themselves to the whole world.

The highest award we offer is the annual "Best Public Inventor". Although the Invention Coaches who manage our projects are the most important people to the growth and success of the project, we recognize the inventors themselves as the heart of Public Invention. Occasionally, we recognize people in allied organizations who are not volunteers for Public Invention due to their extraordinary impact in promoting Public Invention.

The award is commemorated by an engraved brass plaque on cherrywood.

2022 Award Winners

Forrest Lee Erickson

Best Public Inventor, 2022

For the General Purpose Alarm Device


Lawrence Kincheloe

Best Invention Coach, 2nd Place, 2022

For the General Purpose Alarm Device


Victor Suturin

Best Invention Coach, 2022

For the PolyVent Educational Platform


Nathaniel Bechard

Best Public Inventor, 2nd Place, 2022

For the PolyVent Educational Platform


Megan Cadena

Best Paid Staff Contribution, 2022

For Outreach Coordination


Miriam Castillo

Best Volunteer Staff Contribution, 2022

For Volunteer Recruitment


Veronica Stuckey

Best Academic Paper, 2022

For “Passive Ferrofluid One-way (Check) Valve”


Geoff Mulligan

Best External Expertise, 2022

For NASA MCOG Extensions


Antal Zuiderwijk

Best Mechanical CAD Design, 2022

For PolyVent


Avinash Baskaran

Best External Ambassador, 2022

For creating the Auburn PIHE


Victoria Jaqua

Most Active Board Member, 2022



Sabia Abidi

Most Active Board Member, 2nd Place, 2022

For PolyVent Evaluation and University Relations

Annual Awards 2021

Nathaniel Bechard

Best Public Inventor, 2021

For the PolyVent


Victor Suturin

Best Invention Coach, 2021

For the PolyVent


Sabia Abidi

Most Active Board Member, 2021

For RespiraCon II and Mentoring Opportunities


Veronica Stuckey

Best New Public Inventor, 2021

For the Passive Ferrofluid Check Valve


Leith Greenslade

Special Recognition, 2021

For RespiraCon II and Organizing Demand


Marc T. Jones

Honorable Mention Board Member, 2021

For the Sunlight Regulatory License


Lauria Clarke

Best Addition to a Research Paper, 2021

For “VentMon: An open source inline ventilator

tester and monitor.”

Ben Coombs

H.M. Addition to a Research Paper, 2021

For “Open-source hardware and the great

ventilator rush of 2020”


Megan Cadena

Best Staff Contribution, 2021

For Outreach Coordination


Miriam Castillo

Best Volunteer Staff Contribution, 2021

For Volunteer Recruitment


Audrey Rushing

H.M. Volunteer Staff Contribution, 2021

For Social Media


Ben Coombs

Greatest Contribution, 2021

For “the Ox”, VentMon, and VentOS


Christina Cole

Most Impactful Writing, 2021

For the Oxygen Concentrator Maintenance


Diego Aspinwall

Best Student Writing, 2021

For Geotagtext,

A Tutorial: A Free Geotagging Web Application

Composed of Free Tools


Christopher J Fang, Kaitlyn Wang, Stephanie A.

Ponce, Concepcion C Appio-Riley, Sana A.

Mohamed, and Samuel Robedee

Best University Team, 2021

For EcoPot

2020 Award Winners

These 2020 Public Invention awards were presented on Jan. 10th to:


Pierre Lonchampt

Special Recognition, 2020

For QA/RA Assistance to the Entire COVID-19 Pandemic Response Community


Erich Schulz

Special Recognition, 2020

For Community Leadership to the Entire COVID-19 Pandemic Response Community


Halimat Atinuke Farayola

Best New Public Inventor, 2020

For the Moonrat Project


Marc T. Jones

Most Active Board Member, 2020

For the FDA sharing proto-license and Libre Planet 2020


Megan Cadena

Best Addition to a Research Paper, 2020

For “Modelling the impact of rise time on ventilator performance”


Avinash Baskaran

Best Academic Publication, 2020

For “Controlling a variable geometry truss tetrobot with an isomorphic puppet controller”, ICMME 2020


Juan Enrique Villacres-Perez

Best Student Contribution, 2020

For COVID-19 Vent-List and “Modelling the impact of rise time on ventilator performance”


Jerry Chang

Best Educational Media Production, 2020

For Rapd E. coli Video Production


David Jeschke

Invention Coach, Honorable Mention, 2020

For the Math Tablet Project


Chris Ferguson

Best Invention Coach, 2020

For the Moonrat and Rapid E. coli Projects


Ben Coombs

Greatest Contribution, 2020

For the PIOC, VentMon, and VentOS Projects


Lauria Clarke

Best Public Inventor, 2020

For the VentMon Project

2019 Award Winners

Megan Cadena

Best Mathematical Contributions, 2019

For the Softrobotmath Project


David Jeschke

Best Invention Coach, 2019


Avinash Baskaran

Best Public Inventor, 2019


Stephanie Liu

Most Active Board member, 2019

Keeshan Patel

Best Public Inventor, 2018

2020 Award Winners

These 2020 Public Invention awards were presented on Jan. 10th to:


Pierre Lonchampt

Special Recognition, 2020

For QA/RA Assistance to the Entire COVID-19 Pandemic Response Community


Erich Schulz

Special Recognition, 2020

For Community Leadership to the Entire COVID-19 Pandemic Response Community


Halimat Atinuke Farayola

Best New Public Inventor, 2020

For the Moonrat Project


Marc T. Jones

Most Active Board Member, 2020

For the FDA sharing proto-license and Libre Planet 2020


Megan Cadena

Best Addition to a Research Paper, 2020

For “Modelling the impact of rise time on ventilator performance”


Avinash Baskaran

Best Academic Publication, 2020

For “Controlling a variable geometry truss tetrobot with an isomorphic puppet controller”, ICMME 2020


Juan Enrique Villacres-Perez

Best Student Contribution, 2020

For COVID-19 Vent-List and “Modelling the impact of rise time on ventilator performance”


Jerry Chang

Best Educational Media Production, 2020

For Rapd E. coli Video Production


David Jeschke

Invention Coach, Honorable Mention, 2020

For the Math Tablet Project


Chris Ferguson

Best Invention Coach, 2020

For the Moonrat and Rapid E. coli Projects


Ben Coombs

Greatest Contribution, 2020

For the PIOC, VentMon, and VentOS Projects


Lauria Clarke

Best Public Inventor, 2020

For the VentMon Project

2019 Award Winners

Megan Cadena

Best Mathematical Contributions, 2019

For the Softrobotmath Project


David Jeschke

Best Invention Coach, 2019


Avinash Baskaran

Best Public Inventor, 2019


Stephanie Liu

Most Active Board member, 2019

2018 Award Winners

Keeshan Patel

Best Public Inventor, 2018