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Videos from Vent-Con 2020 Available Now!

The videos from Vent-Con 2020 are available now! On May 21st, Public Invention co-hosted Vent-Con 2020–an Open Source Ventilator Conference–along with Helpful Engineering,, and Ventilators Collaboration Network. The mini-conference/webinar reviewed the impressive progress, discussed the uncertain present, and forged a path forward into the future for makers, philanthropists, investors, government officials, medical professionals, and […]

Videos from Vent-Con 2020 Available Now! Read More »

The Fuller Scale: A Unit of Humanitarian Invention Impact

Science is about truth; engineering is about compromise. At Public Invention, we do both, but perhaps more engineering than science. Our goal is to have a large positive impact on many people; but time and money are always in short supply.  How, then, to compromise on which projects to prioritize? In order to be able

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Project #7: Color-block Font for Writing

Color is vivid. Throughout recorded history, it has been expensive to produce color compared to monochrome design. Writing systems, which have been constantly evolving since their invention initiated recorded history, have generally been monochrome. But now color is cheap or free, which raises questions: Is the next evolution in writing systems in the direction of

Project #7: Color-block Font for Writing Read More »

Project #33: 3D Print Soft Robotics with PVA Molds filled with Silicone

Lately there has been a lot of interest in soft robotics. These tend to use pneumatics or hydraulics in fluid-tight chambers which change shape based on pressure. It is not easy to 3D print with flexible air-tight material. I have done it by using Ninja Flex and then treating it heavily with Methyl Ethyl Ketone

Project #33: 3D Print Soft Robotics with PVA Molds filled with Silicone Read More »