PubInvCon (Public Invention Conference) 2021 Agenda - Jan. 9th, 20201
The conference will have two phases: the public conference, and the board meeting. The public is invited to both. Special people may be invited.
The Public Conference is conceived of as 3 hours in the morning (10:00 AM CST, 8:00 AM, 11:00 AM EST PST), to 1:00 PM CST, and the board meeting will be 3 hours in the afternoon with a one hour break (2:00 PM CSTCentral, 3:00 EST).
- Introduction - 10:00 CST - 15 minutes - Robert L. Read
- Code of Conduct
- Review of Agenda
- Mission and Values
- Review of 2020 projects 10:15 CST -- (fuller voting wisdom of crowds)
- Introduce The Fuller Scale - 10 minutes
- COVID-19 Vent List -
- Sonika Goginenii from Fraunhofer
- Vision of Open Source Medical Device Ecosystem - Robert L. Read
- Pandemic related
- VentMon - Lauria Clarke
- SFM3X00 - Lauria Clarke
- PIRDS - Robert L. Read
- VentDisplay - Geoff Mulligan
- VentOS - Ben Coombs
- PIOC - Ben Coombs
- Patient Inflating Valve - Avinash Baskaran
- Non-pandemic
- Math Tablet - David Jeshcke
- Gluss Controller Video - Robert L. Read
- ProtoLicense - Marc Jones
- Moonrat - Halimat Farayola
- REc - Chris Ferguson
- Fun Exercise: - 11:30 CST - Rachel Carp
- Evaluating microFullers for our active projects
- Evaluating microFullers for selected proposed projects
- Status and Relations 12:00 - Robert L. Read
- Finances - 5 min.
- Conferences - 5 minutes
- VentCon1 - Robert L. Read
- VentCon QA - Ben Coombs
- Rice University Team - 10 minutes
- EcoPot Team - Rice Ecopot Team
- Portable Incubator Team
- Parallel Organizations
- Helpful Engineering - 4 min. Ben Treuhaft
- OSMS - 4 min. Victoria Jaqua
- COSMIC - 4 min. Dr. Philip Edgcumbe and Patrick Wilkie
- Academic papers: -- 2 min. Robert L. Read
- Published:
- Anesthesia
- ICMA (upcoming, from previous work)
- Fraunhofer work
- Respiratory Care - Megan Cadena (5 minutes)
- VentMon to HardwareX - Lauria Clarke (3 minutes)
- Published:
- Non-academic publication -- Robert L. Read - 1 minute
- LibrePlanet COVID-Vent List
- Maker Plan C videos
- Other media interviews
- Plans and Vision - 12:30 - 15-minutes
- Spin off new non-profit for FDA approved devices
- Continue growing invention teams
- Better outreach and publication
- Continued academic publication
- Building an open source ventilation ecosystem
- Focus on health and climate change
- Challenges
- Outreach remains a problem -- how do we change the way the world thinks?
- Award Recipients - 12:45 CST - Robert L. Read
- Closing call to action - 12:55 CST
Check out Ben Coombs essay on humanitarian inventing!